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Are you ready to enjoy a happier reality and regain a sense of control over the forces that govern the way you live?

 I help and support people with chronic illnesses and subsequent limitations to develop a positive mindset, master oneself and achieve goals, ultimately reaching a happier existence.

You may not be able to control everything that happens to or around you, but you can control how you react


Your physical and mental health are equally important to your overall well-being, and when something shifts with one and/or both, you can easily go off balance with rippling knock-on effects impacting you in countless ways.

Unfortunately, ill health doesn’t come with a ‘how to’ manual and when reality sinks in it can be really scary. It’s important to remember that you will always have options that allow you to choose how to progress and navigate your way forward. 

By concentrating on what you can do and want to achieve within limiting parameters will enable you to embark on a courageous journey with focus and determination.  When open to alternatives and compromise you will be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

You want a better life, but don’t know where or how to start?

Hi, I’m Jenny

I’m a Coach and Mentor, and, like you, I suffer from chronic illnesses that dictate how I live my life.

Mastery plays an important part in life for all of us and can be applied to multiple aspects. Personal Mastery and Self Mastery have proven highly effective when managing a chronic illness, providing benefits that will fundamentally improve overall well-being.

Join me in The Mastery Venture and I will take you through the basic concepts of Personal Mastery and Self Mastery, along with my unique IPAC strategy. You will create a solid foundation enabling you to find your freedom to move forward and accomplish your objectives.

I’ll show you how to reconnect with yourself and your life through the use of valuable strategies that I have successfully implemented myself and also to help others. I’ll teach you how to face and overcome the barriers holding you back, and the transition from ‘before to after’ can be smoothly managed, with positive results achievable.

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It's time to take control and become the best version of you



Prepare yourself for success, improve mindset, learn what works for you and how to use it to achieve goals. Plus heaps more!


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Knowledge is power! Use what you learn to power change and get positive results


I know only too well the angst that ill health can bring and that it’s easy to think you’ve lost any kind of control over life and who you really are, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I firmly believe we are all entitled to a fulfilling and content existence, no matter what restrictions are placed on us.

I have a number of health issues that like to bounce off each other and see which can cause me the most grief, so I’ve had to learn to adapt to allow for the bad days that regularly override the good ones. I don’t claim to be any kind of ‘super sufferer’ or ‘pity pleader’, I’ve very simply made the decision to keep going and the commitment to myself that I will achieve my goals (besides, stubborn is my middle name!!).

Moving on is difficult, but it is possible…

You can’t change the past, but you can change your future!


If you have any questions about my services or how I can help you please check out the Frequently Asked Questions page or get in touch.